Finola 2013

Cannabis sativa, Finola, výzkumnická farma léčivého konopí Ospělov
Ordering Certified FINOLA Planting Seed for 2013

Dear Customer,
This e-mail provides information to order planting seeds. If you would like to be removed from this e-mail list, please let me know.
Some parts of the ordering process have now been automated. If you are interested in ordering certified FINOLA planting seed for 2013, please read these instructions carefully. After a two weeks, I will post this info for the general public on the Finola web pages. We have a limited supply, so it is important for you to reserve your planting seed before that time. Expect your seed to be delivered near the middle of April 2013. We suggest a seeding rate of 25-30 kg/ha. For best results, FINOLA should not be sown earlier than the middle of May. Early June is still a good time to sow FINOLA. For basic farming info, please download:

 Seed, Prices and Shipping Information
We only offer OECD certified FINOLA planting seed in 25 kg bags. The seed is imported from Canada this year, and it has been authorized for import and distribution within the EU. This seed has not been treated with any chemicals, so it is suitable for organic cultivation. Each bag has its own OECD certification tag, which may be required to receive a subsidy in your country. Please contact your Ministry of Agriculture for more information.
Number of Bags
Total kilograms
Minimum Hectares (25 kg/Ha)
1 to 4
25 - 100 kg
1 - 4 hectares
€ 10/kg
5 to 20
125 - 500 kg
5 - 20 hectares
€ 9/kg
Over 500 kg
Please inquire

Ordering Your SEED We have set up a web form for you to order seeds this year. To reserve your order, please click on this web address and enter your info:
After placing your order, you will immediately see an automated “thanks”, to let you know that your information has been entered into our database. Near the middle of March, I will send you an invoice by e-mail, which will include all transport and handling costs for delivery. Be sure to check that all of your information is correct. To finalize your order, simply pay the invoice before the due date, which is stated on your invoice. Information for direct bank payment will also be stated on the invoice. Non-payment by the due date will let me know that you do not want the seed. After payment has been received, I will send you an e-mail to confirm that your payment was received. After your order has been shipped, I will send you a tracking code, so that you can check on the progress yourself.
We have a limited supply of planting seed for 2013. Those who enter their information first will have preference over those who sign up later! 

We must receive full payment before any seed is shipped, and our prices do not include possible taxes in your country, or insurance on the shipment. If you are ordering from outside of the EU, be sure to understand that it will be your responsibility to receive this shipment at your nearest port of entry, clear it through your customs, pay any additional importation taxes or fees, and eventually organize your own transport to a final destination.

Status of FINOLA in the European Union
FINOLA has been listed in the EC Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species since 1999. Its EU eligibility as a subsidized crop was removed after 2006, apparently due to administrative incompetence, yet FINOLA remains on this list. After some years of discussions, the European Commission finally returned the eligibility to FINOLA on 23 February 2011, but only for Finnish farmers. The discussions continue. A recent decision by the Commission may finally allow each Member State to decide about FINOLA. Please contact your Ministry of Agriculture for more information.
Contact and Availability 
Please visit for all sorts of useful information on various aspects of oilseed hemp and specific info on cultivating the FINOLA variety of oilseed hemp. This is a busy time of year for all of us. Before contacting me directly, please read these instructions again. There will be times for you and I to correspond during the next two months, so I respectfully encourage you to begin by entering your order and customer information through the web link below:
I'll see you there!
Jace Callaway, Ph.D. Finola ky VAT number FI-1706848-2 cell phone number  +358 40 725 2534